DIY Ceilidh
DIY Ceilidh are a Newcastle based folk-dance collective. Their wild ceilidh nights have become a firm fixture of Newcastle’s vibrant nightlife, and have grown to become one of the biggest regular ceilidh nights in the country. DIY Ceilidh features gender neutral calling and a varied repertoire, beloved ceilidh classics sitting alongside less known European folk standards, creating a dynamic dance night that flows between the old and new. With a focus on inclusivity and self-expression, DIY Ceilidh creates a unique celebration wherever they go.
DIY Ceilidh run a monthly ceilidh in the heart of Newcastle in the North-East's premiere DIY venue the Lubber Fiend (see instagram for upcoming dates!). Our nights aim to be as inclusive and welcoming as possible - they are PAYF (pay as you feel - no one turned away for lack of funds) - feature gender neutral dance calling - and all are welcome to get involved in whatever way they like; whether that's brining along an instrument and joining the band; getting up to teach a dance; or performing a song, spoken word or party trick (or anything really) at our regular 'floor spots'. Please get in touch via instagram or email if you'd like to get involved in anyway.
DIY Ceilidh started in October 2022, as a group of like minded folk musicians who wanted there to be a regular social dancing event in Newcastle. We’re made up of many North East creatives including puppeteer Jo Feijo, Frankie Insley (Bitch Finder General), Jayne Dent (MeLostMe) and Alasdair Paul (Pons Aelius), Sam Baxter, Bruce Lambelle-Rudd and many others! Since it's conception DIY Ceilidh has grown to be bigger than any of us expected it to be, now regularly selling out our regular ceilidh nights, and being asked to run ceilidhs at various private events and festivals.
If you would like to book The DIY Ceilidh Band for your event please drop us an email!
All are welcome. Chaos is encouraged!
Instagram | Enquiries: DIYCeilidh@hotmail.com

© 2024 Sam Baxter, photography by Ellen Dixon